This page details guidelines for both the paper authors and the reviewers. Please find the appropriate section below.



Abstracts, full papers and revised full papers should be submitted through the conference website at Easychair

For abstracts, there are no templates or special requirements. Please read the guideline for submissions in Easychair:

Full Paper Submission

The proceedings of 8OSME consisting of all accepted full papers will be made available at the meeting, which will then be published as a book entitled "Origami8". Please follow the instructions below to enable us to edit and compile the proceedings efficiently and to complete the book in time for the meeting.

(1) Please prepare your paper using the available MS Word or LaTeX templates. Both files also contain information on formatting. Please make sure that you do NOT change the formatting (fonts, margins, etc.) in any way for this is the format for the proceedings. Once you have completed your paper, save/print/export to a PDF file and then submit it. Only submission in PDF format is accepted. Any non-compliant papers will be returned to the submitting authors and may be rejected.


LaTeX and MS Word templates for full paper.

(2) The maximum length of the full paper is 16 pages. Again we shall reject any non-compliant papers.

(3) Coloured figures will appear in colour in the electronic version of the proceedings but black and white in print. Please make sure that they are legible in grayscale.

(4) Please log into your existing Easychair account, find your abstract submission, and then use "Add file" button on top right to submit your full paper. 


If you are invited to poster sessions, please prepare your poster in either A0 portrait format (width 841 x length 1189 mm), or ANSI standard paper size E portrait format (width 34.0 x length 44.0 in). Formats other than those can NOT be accepted as the fixed glass frames in the venues are in these dimensions. There will be no need to submit anything for now.


The emphasis of 8OSME is the presentation of academic papers. However, we will be running a series of more informal workshops in conjunction with the main program. These could include general discussions of an applied origami idea, presentation of a book written by an author, or sharing and teaching a model that may have useful kinetic properties, or be useful in education.

Workshops materials will not be published in the 8OSME proceedings, but workshops will be a forum to share ideas and participate with the conference.

If you would like to present a workshop please submit a proposal to us at

Model Instructions and Diagrams

Working in conjunction with the Melbourne Origami Group we will be publishing a joint model collection. If you wish to share any model instructions that may be relevant to 8OSME, in terms of educational benefit, explaining a mathematical principle, has a kinetic property that may be of interest to engineers, please share it with us for publication.

Please email all diagrams to with the subject title "Model Instructions and Diagrams".

Require Help?

If authors have problems in submission through Easychair, or formatting, please feel free to contact us:

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

  • 1st December 2023 - Deadline for abstracts submissions
  • 1st January 2024 - Decision on accepted abstracts
  • 25th February 2024 - Early bird registration opens
  • 29th February 2024 - Deadline for full paper submissions (original manuscripts)
  • 14th March 2024 - Deadline extension for full paper submissions (original manuscripts)
  • 10th May 2024 - Deadline for full paper submissions (final version)
  • 15th May 2024 - Early bird registration closed
  • 16th - 18th July 2024 - 8OSME conference
8OSME Photo Gallery Now Available!

Dear 8OSME Attendees,

We are delighted to share that all the photos taken during the 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics, and Education (8OSME) are now available for viewing and download:

Link to Photo Gallery

We hope these photos capture the spirit of collaboration, creativity, and innovation that defined this year's conference. Whether you presented your research, participated in workshops, or simply enjoyed the event, we invite you to relive those moments and share them with your colleagues and friends.

Thank you once again for making 8OSME a memorable event. We look forward to seeing you at the next conference!

Best regards,

8OSME Organising Committee

Program of 8OSME is now released!!

A big thank you for registering and coming to our conference.

If you have not registered yet, please kindly do so via our registration portal (8OSME Website --> Registration).

Please let us know if you experience any issues with registration.

The final version of the Program of 8OSME is now released, please find the attached program for the 3 days via the link below:

Program of 8OSME_Final Version_v2.pdf

Program of 8OSME_Final Version with Abstracts_v2.pdf

We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne soon!!!

Best Wishes,

8OSME Organising Committee

8OSME Final paper submission extended to 10th May 2024

Thank you for submitting your papers to 8OSME. We have extended the submission deadline for the final papers to 10th May 2024. In the coming days, you will hear from us reviewer comments on your paper, if you have not received them yet. The proceedings of 8OSME will be published by Springer. The Editors will compile all the papers and submit them to the publisher by 15th May 2024.

For your revised paper, could you please


1. Ensure that all third-party rights have been obtained 2. Upload your revised paper in pdf to EasyChair 3. The publisher also needs a copy of original source files (Word, TeX, figures, etc). Could you please email them to Please put the paper No. as subject heading and also as the file name of your paper.

Please note that presentations can be made even without full paper submitted/accepted. Please also note that early bird registrations close on 15th May 2024. 

Best wishes,

Guoxing Lu

Chair, 8OSME

Deadline extension for full paper submissions (original manuscripts)
25 February 2024

We are pleased to report that, at the request of a number of authors, the deadline for full manuscript submission has now been extended to 14th March 2024. Please submit on

13 April 2023

The 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME) will take place in Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia between 16th and 18th July 2024. 

COPYRIGHT@2024 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education all rights reserved ICP18004734-1