About ISIE

These are the Articles of the International Society of Impact Engineering:


The name of the Society is International Society of Impact Engineering.

The office of the International Society of Impact Engineering is the one from the current President.

The International Society of Impact Engineering does not charge any of its members, regardless of being individuals or associations.

The International Society of Impact Engineering was first discussed in January 2014, during the Impact Engineering Conference held in Cape Town, South Africa.

The first elections for the board of the International Society of Impact Engineering will be held at the International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM 2016) in Torino, May 2016.

The ones presented in the International Society of Impact Engineering meeting in Torino will be considered the first members and founders of the International Society of Impact Engineering.


a. To promote the exchange of information among engineers and scientists working in the field of Impact Engineering.

b. To promote training and further education to those working in the field of Impact Engineering.

c. To promote worldwide co-operative studies in the field of Impact Engineering.

d. To organize meetings, training programmes and educational workshops, promoting fellowship and travel awards.

e. To carry out any other measures to support the promotion of the Impact Engineering, as determined by the Biennial General Meeting.


a. Individuals or organisations can be members of the International Society of Impact Engineering. Applications for membership shall be done in www.impacteng.org. The president will submit the applications to the Board members for approval. The existing members will be informed about the admission of the new member(s) via the Newsletter. The list of members can always be seen in the ImpactEng.org web site.

b. The membership is free of any charges.

c. Individuals who have achieved distinction in their work for International Society of Impact Engineering will be offered honorary membership. Proposals for honorary membership will be presented by the Board to the Biennial General Meeting and accordingly voted on.


The official language of the International Society of Impact Engineering is English.


The Biennial General Meeting is convened by the President of the Society. If the President is prevented in any way from this task, the Vice-President will be the substitute. The Biennial General Meeting will normally be held during the main conference of the Impact Engineering community. Notification together with the agenda will be given electronically to members at least one month before the date of the General Meeting. The Secretary is responsible for the preparation of the minutes of the Biennial General Meeting, which shall be signed by him/her and by the President of the Society.

The functions of the Biennial General Meeting include:

a. Authorisation of the Board to deal with matters pertaining to the Society that require attention between Biennial General Meetings

b. Election of those members of the Board whose posts are eligible for election or re-election at that time

c. Determination of the place of the next Biennial General Meeting

f. Other matters consistent with the aims of International Society of Impact Engineering.


The Board has the following members:

1 President

1 Vice-President

1 Secretary

1 Vice-Secretary

1 Editor of the International Journal of Impact Engineering

10 Members of the International Society of Impact Engineering

In addition, other members may be invited to attend the board meetings at the discretion of the President.


a. Board members are elected by the members of the society following nominations by individual members as described in article 7.

b. The term of office for all elected Board members is two years. Board members remain in office until re-elections are held.

c. The posts of the Board are open for re-election. Members who have served on the Board may be proposed for election in another capacity and members who have served on the Board previously may be re-elected again in the same capacity after a minimum period of 2 years.

Tasks of the Board members

a. The President is responsible to the Society for carrying out decisions taken at the Biennial General Meeting. He/she chairs the Biennial General Meeting. For any special or general purposes the President may delegate matters normally dealt with by him/herself as President to any member of the Board.

b. The Secretary is entrusted with the administrative duties of the Society.

c. The Board can install committees for certain tasks; committee members are nominated by the Board; the term of office of committee members is normally two years with the possibility of reappointment for one term.

e. If the President or Secretary resign or are prevented in any way from completing their term of office, the vice-President will act as President or the vice-Secretary will act as Secretary until an election has been be held, before or at the next Biennial General Meeting.


Amendments to the Articles of the Society

a. The Biennial General Meeting constitutes a quorum for amendments to the articles of the society.

b. Decisions on amendments to the Articles of the Society shall be ratified only if at least three quarters of all votes cast are in favour.

c. Votes conducted by mail (whether by paper or electronic media) will only be considered valid if at least one-fifth of the current members respond.

d. The Board will communicate the procedures for all such votes (deadline for voting, recipient of votes, person(s) who will count the votes and procedure of announcing the result of voting) to the members in advance.

Elections and all other matters

a. The Biennial General Meeting constitutes a quorum for these matters, no matter how many members are present. Any decisions shall be taken on the basis of the largest vote. That is, for example, if more members vote in favour than against, then the decision will be in favour, even if the combined number of those against and those abstaining is more than half of those present. In the case of an election, the candidate receiving the largest number of votes will be selected. In the case of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote. Votes will normally be taken by a show of hands (but may be taken by secret ballot at the discretion of the President) except elections, which will normally be conducted by secret ballot.

b. Votes conducted by mail (whether by paper or electronic media) will only be considered valid if at least one-fifth of the current members respond.

c. The Board will communicate the procedures for all such votes (deadline for voting, recipient of votes, person(s) who will count the votes and procedure of announcing the result of voting) to the members in advance.



a. The International Society of Impact Engineering exclusively and directly pursues non-profit-making objectives.

b. Any funds that could be offered to the society must be immediatelly transfered to the recipient of assigned prizes.

c. Members of the Board shall not receive any profit, shares or any other financial benefits from the International Society of Impact Engineering, apart from travel expenses related to the administration of the Society, but only if this is offered to by a person or organization and directly to the named Board Member.

d. No person will be awarded administrative expenses against activities performed to the International Society of Impact Engineering.



a. The Board of the International Society of Impact Engineering has the power to regulate on any matter not covered by the previous Articles.